4 nights – Temples city stay – tailor-made package
from $995* per person twin share including airfare
![Temple city stay]() | Package includes:- Return economy airfare with Vietnam Airlines from Melbourne to Siem Reap
- 4 nights accommodation at the Royal Bay Inn Angkor Resort in a deluxe room
- Breakfast daily
5 days – Cities & Temples Footloose Adventure – tailor-made tour
from $1,395* per person twin share including airfare
![Temple city stay]() | Package includes:- Return economy airfare with Vietnam Airlines from Melbourne
- Domestic Cambodia flight from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap
- 4 nights accommodation with breakfast daily
- Transport as per the itinerary in air-conditioned vehicles
- Arrival and departure transfers
- All sightseeing as specified in the itinerary including entrance fees on a join in basis (Max 12)
- Local English-speaking guides
6 days – Cambodia Insight – tailor-made tour
from $1,855* per person twin share including airfare
![Temple city stay]() | Package includes:- Return economy airfare with Vietnam Airlines from Melbourne
- 5 nights accommodation with breakfast daily
- Transport as per the itinerary in air-conditioned vehicles
- Arrival and departure transfers
- All sightseeing as specified in the itinerary including entrance fees on a private basis
- Local English-speaking guides