Orient Pandaw
Built by Pandaw Cruises, Orient Pandaw is hand finished in brass and teak by traditional craftsmen and is in itself an object of great beauty. The secret of the success of Pandaw Cruises is that on each ship, whilst luxury and comfort are discreetly present, it is the colonial character and friendly atmosphere that predominate. All the Pandaws have ultra shallow drafts and can travel to remote areas unreachable by other vessels, let alone overland.
Cell phones, Sat phones (where permitted by local authorities) VHF and SSB radio, internal phone system, PA system and tannoy system for navigation purposes.
Smoke detectors in all cabins and public places, emergency lighting and generator, fire pump, hydrants and hoses, fire extinguishers, life jackets for all on board and life rafts.
Navigation lights, ships horn, searchlight, GPS, Radar (where permitted by local authorities).
On board laundry, bakery, fully equipped galley and refrigeration units; air conditioning for all inside areas.
The Pandaw dining rooms are designed to open up along the sides and only at night do we close them up and use air conditioning. We know our passengers want fresh air not chilled air.
When sailing passengers sit on deck and become absorbed by great panoramas as they unfold about them. Spellbound, one cannot help but to meditate upon the unceasing human and wildlife activity of these teaming water worlds.
Treatment plants for desalination, desedimentation and purification using UV and osmosis.
Microbiotic treatment plants.
VIRES (Vietnam)
Ship facts